
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wisk Away Wednesday

LOL...I always like to come up with fun titles and that one stuck this morning, I am wisking away clutter and messes around the house today. Tonight starts a 5 night/day run of babysitting for some friends. I am excited as I will get to see how my house would really run if I had 3...I keep praying that we may adopt some time in the distant or near future. Hubby is not on board with this Idea so I am just praying that God speak to his heart if this is meant to be or speak to my heart to change the yearning for more if it is not his will. Either way I would be fine if in the end I know Gods will is where we are You know what I mean? I cannot physically care any more than my 2 perfect blessings as after my back surgery they said no more but I really feel a tug on my heart to give a youngster that needs a loving christian home a safe place to be. Hubby and I have had long talks on this and for now I am content to babysit and wait on the Lord to answer this one....but I just thought I would share...hehe
So today I will go around and make changes that will help keep little man safe for the next few days as having an almost 5 year old and a 10 yr old is way different than having a 2 yr old around daily:)
Little Princess is still not feeling 100% so please pray for her and for protection for 2 yr old to not get what she and little Prince Had. I think we are on the last legs of the cold and that is all it is as she and little prince did not run a fever much past the first day and that was low grade even still so no high fevers and not severe symptoms just coldish symptoms. She is down to just having sniffles and sneezes and congested head. She wants to feel better it was so sweet when she said "mommy when am I going to feel better" aahhh my heart broke for her and I prayed with her that she would feel better very soon. Well I am off to get things going I am going to try and post my home tour later today if I get time but right now gotta run...
By the way Little Prince is loving the Mathletics challenge ....for elementary aged kids this has been so fun see top of my right sidebar for the link:)


Carolina Girl said...

I pray your little one is feeling better soon! I am doing the exact opposite of you today. I am feeling a bit run-down, so I am relaxing and doing the minimums b/c we are going to church again tonight. God bless, and stay healthy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a extra busy week to come. :)

How long do you homeschool for during the day?

The Horsey Homestead said...

It varies depending on the day usually from 9-11am and then again in the afternoon after chores are done this week we have spent longer as we are catchin up from last week of no schooling so we had some projects I wanted to finish up. Today the morning block I allowed him to spend on the Mathletics challenge and then we are cleaning currently, I just sat down for a quick break then we will finish all our "assignments" between 2-4 today