We have been truly blessed! The home we are renting is so gorgeous. It is only a 2 bedroom but it is like 2500 sq ft! It is a big Log home with 40 acres so I have my horse at home and the kids have lots of room to play. The rooms are huge and they love the extra room. Our other house that we own that we just moved out of is only 1092 sq ft so it is a big change. Our 3 year old is in our room and we gave our son his own room for now as the kids would stay up all night i think if put together LOL. I will post pictures as soon as I get things unpacked.
We are in full homeschool swing now and loving it. My son is thriving on it and I am so excited. My hubby is glad my son is excelling but still unsure if he wants to me to continue next year so we will just play it out and hope the Lord changes his heart.
We were also blessed as my husband started a new job this week that is in the medical restriction parameters of the doctors restrictions. The other Blessing we found out this week as we thought we were actually going to have to cut another 1000 out of our income by him going back to work since he is switching careers however the long term disability company told us since he is not released to go back to his old job and never will be then they will continue paying us up to his old salary which was way more than he is making now anyway they will pay us for up to another 18 months and by then he will have his own route and will be making almost what he used to! I cant believe how blessed we are! If you all could continue to pray for a renter or a purchaser on our other home I would greatly appreciate it as if no one appears by next month on either scenario then we may have to let that home go back to the bank we shall hope and pray that that does not happen.
Ok so for today's list,
Fold and put away clothes
unpack my closet
unpack boxes by Julies bed
Dishes, clean counter, mop floors
Clean second bath room
hang up wall art
organize the living room
vacuum dust
water plants
put away boxed items in my Craft room! One of the other blessings of this house! I am so excited there is room to scrapbook and sew while not having to put it all away and drag it all out everytime I want to do something Yippee!!!
Sweep mop craft room laundry room
put away boxed items for my bathroom and clean up in there
make all beds and vacuum both bedrooms
Woo I am tired just typing all that LOL...I am going to plug away at it and see how much I can get done. Hubby is traveling the 2 hours to our other home to bring the remaining outside stuff home and bring the Trampoline for the kids. I will fillyou all in on how it goes later. Take care and have some fun with your kids and family this weekend:) God Bless.