Today we are feeling very sad here. We had to put our oldest man's best friend down last night he was in to much pain. Today we Remember the life of our dear friend God Bless you Whiskey Dog
Today I am exhausted and extremely sore. However through that I am oh so thankful..why you ask because yesterday I determined through my extreme pain to go ahead and work on a log pile we needed to get put inside before it was buried in the snow this weekend and my husband has had to work his days off so will only have Sunday off this week. Why does that make me thankful? Well you see I mentioned my goal on to my friends on my social page and one of my Church members sent her wonderful husband over here to help me with the big logs and stacking which was such a huge blessing then to top it all off she came by with Potato soup for dinner as she thought I would be too sore after all the logging :) She was oh so right and we are so so blessed to have such a wonderful "family". We were also able to bless some dear friends with wood as well and it feels great that even though I am hurting physically and may not contribute to the church in some of the more physical opportunities right now that are available I am still able to help others! So I guess my point of this post is to encourage that we lean on God and our friends when we do need it (instead of hibernating and not asking for help like I know we all try sometimes or at least I sure do) and look for ways to give cheerfully no matter what we ourselves are dealing with because It helps the physical pain so much more then I could have imagined to 1. know I am not alone (even though the enemy tries to make me feel that way sometimes) and 2. be happy that I was able to help someone who needed it even though I myself hurt so much! Joy helps pain but I know how hard that is in the midst of deep pain I am there and I have been there so stay strong my friends that are struggling, persevere and ye shall be blessed! Have a great day I am off to clean the house and get ready for a friend to come play with my son while the mom and I chat then tomorrow more kids coming to play with our kids and spend the night then Church on Sunday and small group time sunday night really looking forward to that we have missed 2 weeks trying to get the logs put up before winter really hits. Now its done! Yay it feels so good! Hopefully that will help my hubby feel a bit more relaxed this weekend too he is so tired! He works at a tire store and when the snow hits they work 11-12 hours a day and work their mid week day off. We love the extra $ it brings in and that is such a blessing but it sure takes alot out of him physically so I am just praying for strenght and endurance for him and a restful day sunday with our Church family to rejuvinate his body.
Hi everyone so sorry I have not been better about posting!~ I have been struggling with the pain and headaches and trying to keep up around here. We are hoping to get the pain under control and that the headaches will go with it. Just trying to keep our head above water around here. I will try and do better about posting more meaningful posts very soon! In the mean time I covet your prayers for health restoration or just God's overwhelming presence in the pain. I know he is using it for his Glory and I just have to hang on and Pray. Growing in Him Tiff