
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I did survive...LOL

Candy commented asking If I survived and I realized I needed to post an update LOL..
I am dealing with a good deal of pain recently and had some xray's that showed the vertabrae above my surgery is now pinching my disc somewhat moderately. But I am not gonna let this get me down! I will Survive with the Grace of God however I have had to focus to get the things done that are the basics around here which has meant I forget to do some of the fun things like Update my blog LOL... Right now I am in the midst of pre-planning for next year and looking at curriculum that may or may not work and deciding if I want to try a package such as My Father's World or just use some of Ambleside Online with some of the other things I do around here.... decisions decisions lol... anyway Also a new job opportunity may/or may not present itself to wonderful hubby please be in prayer for that as he could really use it It is with the same company but would relieve so much stress off of his bad knee that we could really use that to come through for him. We wont really know anything on this for quite some time as the position isnt officially open yet and may not come open until sometime between now and 12 months from now. It would mean travel sometimes being gone for a whole week from home however I just ask that if this is God's plan for hubby then this will work and the feelings I have toward the being gone part will be replaced with Joy and peace with Jesus by my side. I thank you for praying with me over Hubby and my pain. Take care my sisters in Christ I will try and update again soon.... I still am reading blogs even when I dont update making sure you are all doing well! Hugs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to get an update, and you are doing such a good job not letting the pain get to you. It reminds me of Paul with the thorn in his flesh. :-)