
Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I did it! yesterday even with intense pain in my back and all the way down my leg I got all the laundry folded! I had several loads that had backed up for a while now (clean but not folded) and a couple new loads washed yesterday. I was not feeling good due to pain so I was down most the day but instead of doing nothing while I sat here (as I normally would have done when I hurt this bad) I folded slowly and carefully taking breaks as I needed and got it all done by the end of the day. I cleaned up the kitchen before the day began and the house is starting to look normal again. today Hubby is off work so we will work together on a few things (he is awesome about helping when my pain flares up like this knowing I will do more when it subsides) and then we will enjoy some kind of fun with the kids maybe go to the lake and swim or something. Here's hoping you all have an awesome day! I am babystepping my way to a clean organized house! Yay! Next week the kids will be at their grandparents for the week so I am going to get the homeschool planning finalized and the corner organized as well as finish a couple household projects that never get finished it seems. Praying the pain will subside by then and I can tackle lots. God Bless all...tata...