
Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday already?? where did the week go lol...

I cant believe it is Friday already... This week I havent gotten a ton done but i did get on top of some things. The kitchen got a good cleaning my bathroom got organized and we made some cookies...all and all a good week lol. Today We are going to get the laundry all folded (i have been procrastinating on this! that is the one thing I struggle with I feel so good when it is all done and put away yet I let it pile up. It is all clean but not put away when will I learn lol.) I also need to reoganize my side of the closet but may do that tomorrow. Thinking we may go play in the water later today at the lake but not 100% sure we may just play in the sprinklers :) Well I am off to get going on the day...suppose I should eat somethin! Have a blessed day all

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Monday...

Well the weekend was wonderful with hubby having both days off we enjoyed it immensely... Today is errand day for me and that means I will be out and about in the heat of the day blah.... oh well when we get home and get groceries put away maybe we will kick on the ac in the house and do some cleaning or we may head to the water for a playtime we shall see. I dont generally use the AC unless it really heats up in here usually if I open the house in the early am like at 5am then close it by 8am then it stays nice however last night we didnt cool much soo we may need it later it is nice to have for the occasional day that it is super hot. anyway enough rambling need to go get in the shower and get ready for the day. Going to clean the kitchen while the kiddos are still sleeping then get some homeschool books ordered and get ready to leave. I am actually looking forward to getting homeschool going again soon but the kids have different thoughts lol.... they are enjoying our break thouroughly. I am considering taking them camping soon on my own except for hubby coming in the evening I havent decided yet... thinking relaxing for a short time by a river close enough to home to feed the animals sounds nice. Anyway off I go take care all have a great day.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello world

Hi all, its been a very long time...Sorry about that. Between business of kids activities at the end of the school term in June then I was very ill and then the Fibro was really acting up and I just had not an ounce of energy left to do much with writing wise. Part of me was not sure if I would blog again for a while however I have checked in on all of you so even though I wasnt writing I was stopping in on all of your blogs :) I was up early this morning so finally had some energy and time to drop in on here. So much is going on around here between the garden, we currently have 3 pigs we are feeding and last month little princess had a big accident, she was attacked by a dog and ended up in the ER with 8 stitches to her buttock groin area. It was very scary/tramatic and she is still dealing with dog fear every morning just to go outside our own home. This didnt happen here and it was not one of our dogs however just going outside with our pooches gives her fear daily it has been a rough month. However I am on a new med for the Fibro and it is helping with energy and overall mood too so that is a bonus. I have been on it before but it was with a mix of tons of other meds and I didnt do well now it is just one med I am dealing with and trying to exercise and eat right to get a handle on this once and for all.
This weekend we are going to enjoy a river float, church on sunday and then a barbeque with my life group after service which will be fun! Looking forward to a fun relaxin weekend with my wonderful family. Still trying to get back on a schedule around her hopefully in the next 2 weeks we will have that handled and have it tweaked to the right timing for us to fit things in. I am considering taking the kids camping close to home here for maybe a week or two we shall see...and then getting the final things ordered for school work this year little Prince will be in 6th grade studies this year and little princess will be doing K/1st grade work thoughout the year. I am looking forward to it we did school with both of them last year but I was way more flexible with little princess and her "want" to do school this year its for real and I am thinking how to do both of them they are a bit too far apart to really combine much so it will take some time to get the schedule revamped when we get going to see how it will work with both of them. Well I am off to water the garden and feed the animals hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will try to post more often...Hugs,